We are very happy to announce that IPE is part of mPOWER, a 4-year project funded by the Horizon 2020 EU Research and Innovation programme, along with six other partner organizations.
When it comes to managing the energy transition the need for municipal level innovation has never been clearer. mPOWER will enable an in-depth, wide-scale and systematic peer-to-peer learning programme among at least 100 local public authorities, in order to replicate innovative best practices in municipal energy, and develop ambitious energy transition plans.
mPOWER is run by a consortium composed of the University of Glasgow (UK), Platform (UK), Transnational Institute (the Netherlands), Energy Cities (EU-wide), IPE (Croatia), University of the Basque Country (Spain) i Carbon Co-op (UK).
We will keep you updated about the procject, and all information is available on the mPOWER website.
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement number 785171. This project follows the EU data protection & security law, which is enforceable since 25 May 2018.