In the last week of June, our 2019 JRF Clara Léa Dallaire-Fortier visited Siena to participate in a collaborative event co-organised by STOREP (the Italian Society for the History of Political Economy), Rethinking Economics and the Young Scholars Initiative by the Institute for New Economic Thinking.
The conference focused on macroeconomic modeling, thinkers of economics, with founding figures like Keynes, Walras and Sraffa, and the pressure faced by the discipline of economics. The event was two-fold, with the first section for young scholars that offered mentorship by experienced Italian academics, which included Clara’s presentation, and the second section, the official 16th STOREP conference entitled “The Social Rules! Norms, Interaction, Rationality”. Alan Kirman and Thomas Ferguson were speakers in the event, both with an aim to debunk what we consider facts today, in the time of Trump-fact, polarization, populism and neoliberal economic ideology, and how that is linked to history, archives and politics.
Clara presented her master dissertation and its connection to her current research project at IPE. To summarize the link, we could say that the dissertation on the political economy of coal community is linked to the maps of vulnerability and ecological transition that is created through the regional donut analysis (more is forthcoming about her research on this website). It led her to be able to better position the narrative behind her research and motivate her writing of the article draft.