Dr Mladen Domazet graduated in Physics and Philosophy from the University of Oxford and completed a doctorate in Philosophy of Science at the University of Zagreb. His research interest currently focuses on theories of scientific explanation, degrowth-compatible explanatory frameworks of social metabolism, and social attitudes relevant to sustainability.
His publications reflect a career of diverse interdisciplinary interests and collaborations, from analysis of Wikipedias as complex networks, through analyses of sustainability education curricula in Europe to structural aspects of depth of explanation in contemporary physics.
He’s currently engaged in research on sustainability and degrowth dispositions of small semiperipheral societies, and ecological aspects of social stratification in Croatia.
Brajdić Vuković, M., Ančić, B., Domazet, M. (2020) Values Underpinning a Degrowth Transformation of The Socio-Political System Traditiones – Inštitut za slovensko narodopisje, Ljubljana, 49 (2020), 1; str. 141-158
Domazet, M., Rilović, A., Ančić, B., Andersen, Brannon, Richardson, Logan, Brajdić Vuković, M., Pungas, L. & Medak, T. (2020) Mental Models of Sustainability: The Degrowth Doughnut Model. U: Goldstein, M. & DellaSala, D. (ur.) Encyclopedia of the World’s Biomes. New York, Elsevier, str. 276-286.
Domazet, M. 2019. “Degrowth-compatible Common Senses in Croatia”. Sudosteuropa Mitteilungen. 59: 5-6; 158-168
Ančić, B.; Domazet, M.; Župarić-Iljić, D. 2019. “‘For my health and for my friends’: Exploring motivation, sharing, environmentalism, resilience and class structure of food self-provisioning”. Geoforum. 106: 68-77. doi:10.1016/j.geoforum.2019.07.018
Domazet, M.; Ančić, B.2019. “Complementarity between the EJ movement and degrowth on the European semiperiphery: An empirical study”. Ecological economics. 157: 120-128 doi:10.1016/j.ecolecon.2018.11.006
Domazet, M. (ur.). 2017. Ecology and Justice: Contributions from the margins. Zagreb: Institute for Political Ecology
Domazet, M. and Ančić, B. 2017. “How Far for the Money? Affluence and Democratic Degrowth Potential in Europe”. In A. Telesiene and M. Gross (eds.) Green European: Environmental Behaviour and Attitudes in Europe in a Historical and Cross-Cultural Comparative Perspective. London: Routledge, pp. 157-181
Krüger, O., Domazet, M., Dolenec, D. 2016. “Rejecting the Post-Political Response to Climate Change: Introducing the European Egalitarian Environmentalist”. Socijalna ekologija 25/1-2: 167-189
Ančić, B., Puđak, J., Domazet, M. 2016. “Vidimo li klimatske promjene u Hrvatskoj?: istraživanje stavova o nekim od aspekata klimatskih promjena u hrvatskom društvu” [“Do we see climate change in Croatia?: research of attitudes on some of the aspects of climate change in Croatian society”]. Hrvatski meteorološki časopis. 51: 27-45
Ančić, B.; Domazet, M. 2015. “Potential For Degrowth: Attitudes And Behaviours Across 18 European Countries”. Teorija in praksa. 52/3: 456-475
Domazet, M.; Dolenec, D.; Cvijanović, V.; Tomašević, T.; Walton, J. F.; Doolan, K.; Žitko, M. 2014. We Need to Change. Ideas of Growth and Development in a Time of Crisis of Fossil Energy and Capitalism. Etnološka tribina: godišnjak Hrvatskog etnološkog društva. 44: 37-71
Domazet, Mladen; Marinović Jerolimov, Dinka (eds.) 2014. Sustainability Perspectives from the European Semi-periphery. Zagreb: Institut za društvena istraživanja u Zagrebu, Heinrich Böll Stiftung Hrvatska
Domazet, M. 2012. Alice Returns from Wonderland: Ontological Frameworks for Explanation from Contemporary Quantum Theories. Zagreb: Kruzak
Domazet, M.; Dolenec, D.; Ančić, B. 2012. We Need to Change: Mapping Croatia’s potential for sustainable development. Zagreb: Heinrich Böll Stiftung
Domazet, M. 2011. “A Law-Constitutive Explanation of Fundamental Material Objects and ‘Bodies that Surround Us'”, Prolegomena 10/1, 67-85
Full publications list available here.