In English

Technologies for an Ecological Transition: A Faustian Bargain?
In his working paper for IPE, Tomislav Medak discusses the role of technologies in two contrasting ecological transition scenarios - green growth and degrowth.

Ecology and Justice
A selection of papers from IPE’s conference "Climate Justice – Perspectives from Natural and Social Sciences".

Commons in South East Europe: Case of Croatia, Bosnia & Herzegovina and Macedonia
Pioneering work that gives an overview of commons theories and insight into commons struggles and commons governing in the region.
In Croatian

Translation of the key introduction to degrowth, with a foreword by Mladen Domazet and Danijela Dolenec. Published in cooperation with Fraktura.

Our Railways
A comprehensive overview of railway services management in Croatia that fourteen researchers worked on for three years.

Fossil Capital
Translation of Malm's history of the joint rise of fossil fuels and capitalist economy, with an afterword by Mladen Domazet and Tomislav Medak. Published in cooperation with Fraktura.

Feminism for the 99%
Croatian translation of "Feminism for the 99%: A Manifesto" by Cinzia Arruzza, Nancy Fraser i Tithi Bhattacharya.

Digital Degrowth and Postdigital Commons
Mario Hibert's study published in cooperation with the Multimedia Institute in Zagreb.