Vedran Horvat is the managing director and head of the Institute for Political Ecology.
From 2005 to 2015 he was the country director of the Zagreb office of Heinrich Böll Stiftung, a German green political foundation. Since 2012 he’s been the national correspondent for Green European Journal, and from 2012 to 2017 he was the managing board member of the National Foundation for Civil Society Development. From 1998 to 2004 he worked as a journalist and web-editor in the daily political newspaper Vjesnik.
He is a sociologist specialised in human rights, regularly publishing on European politics, civil society development, environmental issues, migration etc.
Since 2019 Vedran is a member of the board of directors of the Green European Foundation.
In 2023 Vedran has been a guest fellow at DFG Humanities Centre for Advanced Studies ”Futures of Sustainability” at University of Hamburg and became an associate at the Transnational Institute based in Amsterdam.
”Next to us – a new narrative on migration in Europe”, Green European Foundation, 2016 (author)
Opportunity (Lost) for Climate Policy Reform? Case of Floods in the Western Balkans, Policy Brief, RRPP, University of Fribourg, 2016 (author)
“TINA, Go Home! The Commons Are Here“, Green European Journal, The Common Ground, Volume 14/2016 (author)
“In the Aftermath of the Croatian ‘U-turn’ – Damage Control for Civil Society”, Shrinking spaces in the Western Balkans, Heinrich Böll Stiftung, Sarajevo 2016 (author)
Seeds of Change – Sustainable Agriculture as a Path to Prosperity for the Western Balkans, Heinrich Böll Stiftung, Zagreb 2014 (editor)
Sustainability perspectives from the European semi-periphery, IDIZ / Heinrich Böll Stiftung, Zagreb, 2014 (publisher)
Energija nadohvat ruke, Heinrich Böll Stiftung, Zagreb, 2014 (publisher)
“Ambivalencije zelene revolucije“, Le Monde Diplomatique (Croatian edition), No. 5/2013 (author)
Priručnik za osnivanje energetskih zadruga, UNDP / Heinrich Böll Stiftung, Zagreb 2013 (editor)
“NGOs and Social Movements in Croatian Civil Society: Converging or Colliding?”, in: Vedran Dzihic / Dan Hamilton, Unfinished Business. The Western Balkans and the International Community, Brookings Institutions Press, D.C. CTR-Series, Washington D.C., 2012 (author)
“Green Parties in Europe: Potential Routes of Future Developments“, Croatian International Relations Review, 2011 (co-author with Tomislav Tomašević)
“Sigurnost ili solidarnost – kojim putem krenuti?”, Preporuke za sigurnosnu politiku EU temeljem iskustva izgradnje mira država nastalih dezintegracijom Jugoslavije, Center for Peace Studies, 2010 (author)
SIGURNOST – od koga, za koga?, Heinrich Böll Stiftung, Zagreb 2009 (editor)
Forumi o regionalizaciji i održivom življenju (Fora on regionalisation and sustainable living), Heinrich Böll Stiftung, Zagreb, 2007 (editor)
”Circulation of the intellectual capital in SEE – assuring transition”, in: Siniša Kušić / Claudia Grupe, The Western Balkans on Their Way to the EU?, Peter Lang – Europäischer Verlag der Wissenschaften, pp. 69-83, Frankfurt, 2007 (author)
U kakvu EU želimo? U potrazi za razlozima demokratskog deficita (What kind of EU we aspire to join? Searching the causes of the democratic deficit – EU/Croatia), Heinrich Böll Stiftung, Zagreb, 2006 (editor)
The State and NGOs in the EU Accession Process in Croatia, Serbia and Montenegro and Bosnia and Herzegovina: through partnership to success, ACIPS, Sarajevo, 2006 (co-author with Irham Čečo and Vladimir Todorić)
Slaba društva i nevolje s pluralizmom (Weak societies and troubles with pluralism), Heinrich Böll Stiftung, Zagreb, 2005 (co-editor)
Forumi o održivom razvoju (Forums on Sustainable Development), Heinrich Böll Stiftung, Zagreb, 2004 (co-editor)
“Brain Drain. Threat to Successful Transition in Balkan Region?“, South Eastern Europe Politics Journal Online, CEU Budapest, Vol V, pp 76-93, July, 2004 (author)