Introducing Logan Richardson, IPE’s Furman University Research Intern

Logan Richardson is a senior majoring in Sustainability Science and Economics at Furman University in Greenville, South Carolina, and IPE’s first Furman University research intern. The internship is the result of IPE’s cooperation with Furman Univerisity, and Logan was recommended for the position by her professor Brannon Anderson, member of IPE’s Academic Council.

For the past two months, Logan has been creating a framework to measure the current sustainability level of Croatia by analyzing a number of social and biophysical indicators, such as gender equality and climate change. She has been working closely with IPE’s Mladen Domazet and Lilian Pungas, and Branko Ančić from the Institute for Social Research in Zagreb.

In Logan’s own words, “This research project about sustainability indicators is a good fit for me because it combines my passion for sustainability with some of the research methods I have used in economics. I didn’t have the chance to study abroad, so I feel that living and working in Croatia will be a great opportunity for me to learn about new cultures. In terms of sustainability, I am also interested in understanding how European values differ from those of Americans and how these values translate into sustainable living practices.”

In her free time, she can be found reading in the Botanical Garden and the King Tomislav Square, exploring the Old Town of Zagreb and eating (fruit-flavored) ice-cream.

We will soon be sharing Logan’s blog, recounting the progress of her research, in our blog section!

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