“Ecology and Justice” E-book

You can now download the Ecology and Justice e-book from IPE’s website. The publication was edited by Mladen Domazet, and represents a selection of presentations delivered at IPE’s conference “Climate Justice – Perspectives from Natural and Social Sciences” (November 2015).

The authors are Daniel Hausknost, Melita Carević, Marija Brajdić Vuković, Plinija Poljaković i Karin Doolan and Drago Župarić-Iljić.

From the introduction:

Given the catastrophic outlook of the Anthropocene condition, the catastrophe of now rather than of distant tomorrow (cf. Walter Benjamin as cited in Suvin 2010; 2011), to envision ‘progress’ researchers and authors must illuminate the interrelationship between ecology and justice. And they must do so in a way that represents both the universal connection within Humanity, and the plurality of conditions of self-realization of different human communities.

The future deterministically derived from the simple reading of the Humanity-Nature clash of the Anthropocene narrative is one of ecological collapse and increasing injustice, a non-future from the perspective of aspirations to critical rationalism and human equality, an unacceptable future for many for whom the collapse through overexploitation and unjust subjugation are already the catastrophic conditions of the present.

The current development path is leading towards the future of instability and injustice, whilst existing injustices are already ecologically irrational and disingenuous towards expressed goals of emancipation and development.

You can also dowload the book by clicking on the photo:

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