The project Exchange group: Just transition in the European car industry intends to be a starting point for the development and implementation of just and climate-friendly transition strategies in the European automotive sector. By raising public attention, policy recommendations and network building, it will give impulses for politicians to confront the challenges posed by the transition. In the long run, this project might thereby influence national and EU scientific and political discourses: supporting the realisation of climate targets through a just transition.

The main project coordinator is adelphi research gemeinnützige GmbH from Berlin who will lead the project with partner organizations from Hungary (Centre for Economic and Regional Studies – CERS / Közgazdaság- és Regionális Tudományi Kutatóközpont, Világgazdasági Intézet – KRTK), Slovakia (Central European Labour Studies – CELSI),  Germany (ZOE. Institute for future-fit economies / ZOE. Institut für zukunftsfähige Ökonomien), Czech Republic (Masaryk University – MUNI) and Croatia (IPE).

IPE will be responsible for conducting desk research, interviews and the co-creative workshop on the case of Croatia, including workshop programme (based on the concept by ZOE), participant acquisition, location, moderation as well as taking minutes (Output I). It will elaborate the baseline situation, pathways and two policy recommendations on the case of Croatia (Output II). Furthermore, it will be responsible for the press article in Croatia (Output IV). IPE will also participate in the jour fixes and a virtual kick-off meeting.


The project is structured in four major workpackages:

1. Research on the baseline situation and pathways for a just transition of the European car industry

Desk research on the baseline situation, existing research the impact of the transformation and already ongoing activities to manage the transition in a just way is conducted. The desk research is complemented by interviews with stakeholders in each country. The focus of stakeholder interviews are the company representatives and trade unions. Based on the insights gained and contacts established co-creation workshops in each partner country are organised. The workshops aim to co-create with the invited stakeholders just transition pathways and policy proposals for the respective country.

2. Country reports on the baseline situation, potential pathways and policy recommendations that support target groups in target countries and the EU

Five country reports will be elaborated based on the insights and results of workpackage 1. A country report sets out describing the situation for the automotive sector in the country and future outlooks. It then describes possible transition pathways and gives policy recommendations for the respective country.

3. Networking and exchange between target groups in target countries and the European Union for a just transition of the car industry

Newsletters with project findings and further news related to the topic of just transition in the European Union are compiled and sent out through the mailing list in order to inform stakeholders. The mailing list will also serve for further networking between stakeholders of the partner countries. 

The project results will inform a co-creative conference in Brussels in 2022. The conference serves to establish further connections between different stakeholders on the EU level with invited participants from partner countries and to present the project results.

4. Dissemination and Communication activities

Videos with statements of stakeholders will be recorded in the course of the just transition conference in Brussels. These clips will portray the variety of perceptions on the topic. Furthermore, the project team aims to inform the public through cooperations with newspapers in each partner country.