Donuts in America!

Throughout July 2018 representatives of IPE’s research partnership will be presenting the first ‘donuts‘ from our sustainability kitchen in the US and Canada.

We have calculated several key ceilings and thresholds for Croatia, some European countries, the US and Philippines and presented them in scientific and popular formats along the lines of Raworth’s donut economics concept.

We are also exploring presenting aspirational goals for degrowth-friendly 21st century against the burdens of contemporary metabolism. Mladen and Branko will munch thru these multiple donuts with colleagues in Washington, Furman University, Denver, Pittsburgh and New York City, as well as XIX ISA World Congress of Sociology in Toronto, Canada.

Follow our donut campaign on IPE’s Facebook!

Special thanks for developing visualisations tools for our spread of donut-indicators to Joško Gamberožić and Ivan Katanović.


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