IPE’s 2019 Junior Research Fellow is Clara Léa Dallaire-Fortier from Montreal, Quebec. She joined us at the beginning of April as our fifth Junior Fellow, following Oxana Lopatina, Lilian Pungas, Oscar Krüger and Jelena Mirković.
Clara is an economist interested in voices and perspectives that are often silenced by mainstream economics analysis. Through local and international involvements like Rethinking Economics, she advocated to rethink and democratize economics. She wishes that more initiatives would address the divide between academics and citizens, because the divide limits our capacity to solve socioeconomic and environmental crisis.
Her research interests gravitate around political economy, ecological economics, industrial changes and labor relations. She holds a Master of Commerce from the University of Witwatersrand in Johannesburg, South Africa and another master in Economic Analysis and Policies from Paris Sorbonne Cite University in France. Her dissertation focused on the case study of mine closure in the Appalachian coal industry and the topic of job transition.
As the 2019 JRF, Clara will participate to IPE’s donut research with a special focus on regional donut. By scaling down, she is curious to see whether the donut can be used as a tool to design and assess environmental policies toward Just Transition.
Next week we will be sharing Clara’s reports from conferences in Berlin and Vienna, which she attended, respectively, right before and after starting her fellowship.